TASM Lab - Adult Art Work, Paintings, and Sculpture

TASM Lab Artwork

Pre-Millionairre Paintings
Oil paintings on canvas by the master himself. Only a couple so far. More to come as photography allows.

TASM-era paintings
Watercolors between school and marriage.

Art School works
The best WMU has to offer.

Jeff's Sketch Book
From my doodles and concept drawings.

Graphic design, sculpture, comics
My diverse mitts conquer diverse media.

Go here to see a photo gallery of TASM fellows and other snapshots. Not art or photography, but images all the same.
v1. 10/16/99, v3. 1/7/00, v2. 01/02/00, v3 - Big overhaul 03/17/01, v4 8/5/01,

Till as a picture maker

When I was little I was certain I would be a cartoonist. Everyone thought I would be an artist of some sort. I studied art as a child and in college. I started when I was two years old, and became quite good when I was 12. I haven't gotten a lick better since then, but forge ahead anyways.

Most of my work is quickly dismissed as being unsavory, luckily, long before observations on my talents or choices are examined. The subjects are what I find interesting, typically surrounding a "gag", story based, obvious and clever, horny, and irreverent. I'd love to fancy myself as original, but original is a dime a dozen in the art world (as is unoriginal) and I'm a tired hobbyist at best.

Below are the categories of my work. I've had a few shows, published a few illustrations and adorned a few CD covers.

Some of the groupings are thin, but certainly growing. Most notably, my "pre-millionairre" category only has five pieces to date, with others being created as we speak, and will continue to be as I paint them, and as long as my net-worth stays below $1,000,000. I'm working in oils now, which is the best for painting, and am addressing, at least mentally, my technique.

The TASM-era are my watercolors finished between 1992 and 1997. Probably mis-named, as I hope TASM Lab brand will exist for years and years, but represent its formation, the two discs I put out then, and a certain consistent thematic treatment.

The school-era paintings were finished during my semesters as an art student at Western Michigan University. Often tutor-directed, they are an embarrassing representation of a dumb youth who frantically searched for an identity and thought it boldly clever to discover religion fake (like shoting fish in a barrel).

Most fun is the sketch book, where scribbles look good when shrunk down small and posted online.

I've also done other stuff like graphic design, sculpture, and comics. Some for pay, some I'm doing now, some because because.

Visaul art, by the way, is something everyone should do. Its harder to do than writing and it sticks around forever. Its cheap to do and fun fun fun. Enjoy.